Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), incoming Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced the new Republican Members who are expected to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the 113th Congress. The list has been recommended by the Republican Steering Committee and is expected to be officially adopted today by the House:

“I welcome the new Members joining the Committee, their diverse backgrounds and skills will be an invaluable resource,” said Royce. “The Committee will address some of the gravest threats facing our nation – at the top of our list, tackling Iran’s nuclear program. The Committee will also work to boost U.S. economic growth overseas, provide effective oversight of the Administration’s foreign policies, give a greater focus to Asia, respond to security threats and new governments in the Middle East, and provide aggressive oversight of foreign aid. I look forward to working with all members of the Committee to meet these challenges and to protect America abroad.”

The following is the full Committee roster:

Rep. Ed Royce (CA)
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA)
Rep. Steve Chabot (OH)
Rep. Joe Wilson (SC)
Rep. Michael McCaul (TX)
Rep. Ted Poe (TX)
Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ)
Rep. Tom Marino (PA)
Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL)
Rep. Mo Brooks (AL)
Rep. Tom Cotton (AR)
Rep. Paul Cook (CA)
Rep. George Holding (NC)
Rep. Randy Weber (TX)
Rep. Scott Perry (PA)
Rep. Steve Stockman (TX)
Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL)
Rep. Trey Radel (FL)
Rep. Doug Collins (GA)
Rep. Mark Meadows (NC)
Rep. Ted Yoho (FL)
Rep. Luke Messer (IN)
