Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) sent the below letter to the president. A signed copy is available HERE.

July 31, 2018

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I am encouraged by your tweet this morning regarding 3D-printed guns, and urge your Administration to act swiftly to keep Americans safe and protect our vital national interests abroad.

As you know, the State Department recently reached an agreement with Defense Distributed that will allow the Texas-based company to publish blueprints for making 3D-printed guns on its website. This settlement requires the government to change export restrictions that have long been in place to prevent this sensitive technical data from getting into the hands of those overseas that would do us harm.

I am very concerned that the distribution of these blueprints could allow terrorists and international criminal organizations to manufacture guns that can’t be detected at current security checkpoints in airports, schools, and public buildings. These weapons will not be tagged by serial numbers, making them challenging to trace. This also could undermine U.S. laws that seek to stop the flow of weapons into war-torn countries, and other places where regimes use violence to retain power. 

It is critical that our laws keep pace with technology. We can’t give terrorists or violent criminals an easier path to obtaining deadly weapons. I stand ready to help support your Administration in efforts to bolster our national security.


