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Washington, D.C.– House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul released a statement following the vote solidifying the House Select Committee on China.

“I look forward to working this Congress with Chairman Gallagher and the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party,” said Chairman McCaul. “The Select Committee will continue the critical work we began in the House China Task Force and shows that the Republican House is laser-focused on the CCP as an existential threat to our nation. The Select Committee is also an opportunity for House Democrats to finally join bipartisan efforts to counter the CCP, which they declined to do on the China Task Force.”

“Chairman Michael McCaul has led the caucus when it comes to exposing the threat from the Chinese Communist Party, and the Select Committee on the CCP will build upon the foundation of his work on the China Task Force,” said Chairman Gallagher. “I look forward to working closely with Chairman McCaul and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the coming years to counter the influence of the Chinese Communist Party.”
