Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) announced the following upcoming committee event:

Wednesday, March 7
Subcommittee Hearing: China in Africa: The New Colonialism?

2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7, in 2172 Rayburn House Office Building

Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations
Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), Chairman

Invited witnesses include:

Mr. Gordon Chang

Mr. Joshua Meservey
Senior Policy Analyst
Africa and the Middle EastThe Heritage Foundation

Mr. Mamadou Toure
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Ubuntu Capital Group

Anita Plummer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of African Studies
Howard University 

Chairman Smith on the hearing: “Although Africa needs sustained investment and engagement from members of the international community, China has been largely a negative actor in the region for some time. China’s actions and activities on the continent have one main focus: China’s bottom-line. Beijing has for years propped up kleptocrats and autocrats in order to extract as many resources as it can. What’s more, China is building military relationships and partnering with one-party states, often to the detriment of good governance, the rule of law, and the African people themselves. China must cease its harmful actions and instead play a constructive role in development and security on the continent.”


***See www.foreignaffairs.house.gov for updates.

***Coverage note:  All Foreign Affairs Committee proceedings are webcast live at www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/live-video-feed.
