Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) applauded House passage of their amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to combat Boko Haram, a brutal terrorist organization in Nigeria.  Text of the amendment, authored by Royce and Maloney is available HERE.

Chairman Royce on the amendment’s passage: “Boko Haram is notorious for their vicious kidnappings, killings, and pillaging throughout northern Nigeria. But the story is beginning to change – these terrorists are starting to feel some heat.  The Nigerian military has higher morale, and the Africa Union task force is cutting off Boko Haram’s supply lines and reclaiming towns. The pieces are coming into place to destroy this terrorist group; the forces fighting Boko Haram just need crucial support to get the job done.  Passing this amendment reaffirms U.S. support for the forces on the front lines combating Boko Haram.”

Congresswoman Maloney said:  "The horrific abduction, over one year ago, of over 200 innocent girls peacefully pursuing an education introduced much of the world to the terror Boko Haram has unleashed on Nigerians for years.  I am proud to stand with Chairman Royce in support of his amendment to clearly affirm that Boko Haram presents a threat not just to one nation, but to the world. Combatting Boko Haram is and should remain a national security priority – and we must remain vigilant in fighting this enemy."
