Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement marking the second anniversary of the Iran nuclear deal:

“Two years after President Obama announced his ‘deal’ with Iran, the ayatollah is still working toward a nuclear bomb.  The Iranian regime has accelerated its illicit ballistic missile program, and there have been multiple reports of Iran not living up to the agreement.  Just this past week we learned German intelligence caught Iran trying to buy illegal nuclear weapons technology. 

If Iran has not materially breached the agreement, it’s only because the JCPOA is so deeply flawed.  It allowed Iran to keep thousands of nuclear centrifuges spinning and, even without cheating, keep a path to a nuclear weapon.

“The new administration rightly put Iran on notice for its dangerous acts. The U.S. must continue to push back on Iran’s support for terrorism, its human rights abuses and activities that violate the nuclear deal – both in letter and in spirit.” 
