Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) today issued the following statement:

“I welcome the administration’s decision to recognize Israel’s self-identified capital. Sovereign nations have a right to determine their seat of government, and our close ally Israel should not be treated differently. Relocating the U.S. Embassy should be done carefully, and in a way that advances our national security interests in a dangerous and unstable region. 

“The president wants peace between Israel and the Palestinians. And so do I. But no solution can be imposed. Actors in the region must want to put conflict and bloodshed in the past. That’s why the House passed the Taylor Force Act yesterday, telling the PA that their abhorrent  pay to slay policy must stop. The administration’s recent engagement with key players is encouraging, and I hope it grows in the coming weeks. A lot of difficult work lies ahead.”
