Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued this statement following the announcement of a general framework agreement on the Iran nuclear negotiations:

“Congress has repeatedly made clear that an acceptable agreement must effectively block Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon. 367 Members of Congress are on record stating that such a deal must last for multiple decades and include full disclosure of Iran’s past efforts to build a nuclear weapon, a dramatic reduction in the number of centrifuges, as well as intrusive inspection and verification measures.

“The Administration owes Congress the details on many key questions from today’s announcement.  Just what is the research and development that Iran will be permitted on its advanced centrifuges, key to advancing its nuclear program?  What violations would constitute “significant nonperformance?”  There must be a zero-tolerance policy for Iranian cheating.  Will there be inspections anytime, anywhere?  These are just some of the initial issues the Committee will closely scrutinize of this political framework.  And Congress will have its say on any final agreement.

“I am very concerned by the extent of the sanctions relief that this announcement appears to offer Iran.  Almost all congressionally-mandated sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program are also related to Tehran’s advancing ballistic missile program, intensifying support for international terrorism, and other unconventional weapons programs. And I remain concerned regarding the ability to effectively re-impose sanctions once they have been weakened.”
