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Washington, D.C. — Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul sent a letter to Emily Loeb, counsel to former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, escalating his request that Psaki voluntarily testify before the committee on the Biden administration’s catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal or face a subpoena compelling her appearance. Psaki failed to adequately respond to previous requests from Chairman McCaul, despite going on a national book tour profiting off her tenure as White House Press Secretary throughout the withdrawal. In his letter, Chairman McCaul states Psaki must make arrangements to schedule her transcribed interview no later than June 12, 2024.

“I requested a response from Ms. Psaki by May 28, 2024, which has now passed,” wrote Chairman McCaul. “Your client’s disregard for my request is an affront to this Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives.”

The full letter can be found here or below.

Dear Ms. Loeb,

Your client Jen Psaki has failed to adequately respond to my letter dated May 21, 2024, requesting that she appear before the Committee for a transcribed interview relating to my investigation into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. As you know, I requested a response from Ms. Psaki by May 28, 2024, which has now passed. Your client’s disregard for my request is an affront to this Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives.

I have reviewed the email that was addressed to my staff on May 28, 2024. I am troubled by your and Ms. Psaki’s stated “deference” to outdated “concerns” from the White House Counsel’s Office. Further, Ms. Psaki is a private citizen, who has published her insight into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan for public consumption and personal profit. Ms. Psaki’s duty to appear before Congress is manifest, and her former employer’s desire to avoid congressional oversight is not relevant.

Please provide Ms. Psaki’s availability for a transcribed interview at the specified dates below by no later than Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm ET.

  1. June 26, 2024
  2. July 9, 2024
  3. July 23, 2024

I hope Ms. Psaki chooses to appear voluntarily; otherwise I will be forced to turn to compulsory process.

I look forward to your timely response.
