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Washington, D.C. — House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul announced he has invited Christy Shamblin to be his guest for the State of the Union. Christy’s daughter-in-law, Marine Sergeant Nicole Gee, was one of the 13 American servicemembers killed in an ISIS-K terrorist attack at Abbey Gate during the Biden administration’s chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan in August 2021.  

“More than two years after the death of Christy’s daughter-in-law and 12 other U.S. servicemembers at Abbey Gate, the Biden administration still refuses to take accountability for the tragedy it caused,” stated Chairman McCaul. “I hope Christy’s attendance sends a clear signal to President Biden and the American people that I will not rest until a complete and thorough investigation has occurred – and that people are held accountable for what happened.”

Background on Afghanistan since the Biden administration’s disastrous 2021 withdrawal:

  • Over 200 former Afghan government officials and security forces have been killed by the Taliban since 2021.
  • The UN has documented numerous forced disappearances of former government officials and security force members.
  • Hundreds of former government officials and security officials have been arbitrarily arrested or detained, with over 140 documented instances of torture in custody.
  • At least five Americans are being held hostage by the Taliban.
  • 15.3 million Afghans are food insecure, and nearly one million Afghan children needed lifesaving treatment last year due to malnutrition.
    • Taliban aid diversion increased by 32 percent this past year.
  • Afghanistan is the only country in the world where girls are banned from receiving an education above the sixth grade. 
