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Washington, D.C.  – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul delivered an opening statement at a bipartisan roundtable with family members of Americans who are currently held hostage by Hamas following the horrific October 7th terrorist attacks on Israel. During his remarks, Chairman McCaul honored the legacy of those who were killed during the massacre and called for the safe return of those who are still held captive. 


— Remarks as delivered —

Good morning. I want to thank all of you for being here today in a bipartisan manner. 

This is not about party politics right now, it’s about the hostages.

I can’t think of a better time to have this roundtable discussion than the very week that Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu is visiting to give a joint session before the United States Congress. But we can’t forget about the hostages as we talk about the completion of Gaza [and] the peace process.

We can never forget those left behind, and those are the American hostages, and that is the purpose of this roundtable. 

I want to thank all the families for being here today.

I can assure you that the Members here, and I would say all Members of Congress, have not forgotten your loved ones. And we will do everything in our power to bring them home and that’s why we’re here. 

We’re going to be on a short time frame. We have votes, so I am going to forego an opening statement because, after all, we’re not here to listen to me. We’re here to listen to you, and [this is] about your family.

So today, without further ado, we have before us Ruby Chen, the father of Itay Chen, who was 19 years old and was murdered by Hamas.

We have Daniel Neutra, the brother of Omer Neutra, who is currently being held hostage by Hamas. 

We have Rachel Goldberg-Polin, the mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who is 23 years old being held by Hamas. 

Aviva Siegel, [you were] also held hostage yourself, and we would love to hear about that horrible experience for 51 days [in captivity]. You ma’am, are the wife [and] spouse of Keith Siegel, who remains a hostage, currently, at the hands of Hamas. We’re so sorry, but we’re so glad you’re out of there. 

Jonathan Dekel-Chen, the father Sagui Dekel-Chen, who is currently being held by Hamas. 

And Adi Alexander, the father of Edan Alexander, who is also being held hostage by Hamas. 

We feel for you every day. We pray for you every day.

We also remember Gad Haggai and Judy Weinstein, American hostages who were murdered and whose family members are unable to attend this roundtable today.

We remember each and every one of them, and we will not rest until the remaining hostages are brought safely home. 

My colleagues look forward to hearing your stories, your testimony.
