H.R. 6727, To establish the United States Foundation for International Conservation to promote long-term management of protected and conserved areas, and for other purposes;

H.R. 7256, To require a full review of the bilateral relationship between the United States and South Africa;

H.R. 7701, To require the imposition of sanctions with respect to any foreign person that knowingly participates in the construction, maintenance, or repair of a tunnel or bridge that connects the Russian mainland with the Crimean peninsula;

H.Res. 901, Expressing support for democracy and human rights in Pakistan;

H.R. 3334, To provide for the imposition of sanctions on members of the National Communist Party Congress of the People’s Republic of China, and for other purposes;

H.Res. 1084, Condemning the killing of Alexei Navalny and calling for the release of all political prisoners in the Russian Federation;

H.R. 5245, To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to require certain congressional notification prior to entering into, renewing, or extending a science and technology agreement with the People’s Republic of China, and for other purposes;

H.R. 6831, To reauthorize the Venezuela Emergency Relief, Democracy Assistance, and Development Act of 2019, and for other purposes; and

H.R. 7710, To authorize and encourage the United States Agency for International Development to pursue a model of locally led development and humanitarian response and expand engagement with local partners and increase its local partner base.


The committee has adjourned for today. Roll call votes will begin tomorrow, March 21, at 9:30am ET/8:30am CT. Watch proceedings from March 20, 2024 here.
