H.R. 4619, To authorize the sale of Virginia Class submarines to Australia in support of the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and for other purposes;

H.R. 4725, To conduct oversight and accountability of the State Department’s implementation of AUKUS, and for other purposes;

H.R. 4716, To amend the Arms Export Control Act in support of Australia and the AUKUS partnership;

H.R. 4715, To amend the Arms Export Control Act in support of the United Kingdom and the AUKUS partnership;

H.R. 1776, To prevent, treat, and cure tuberculosis globally;

H.R. 4517, To require the Secretary of State to submit a plan for the reimbursement of personal funds expended to evacuate American citizens, American lawful permanent residents, and Afghan allies from Afghanistan, and for other purposes;

H.R. 3152, To impose sanctions with respect to countries, individuals, and entities that engage in any effort to acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer, or deploy Iranian missiles and related goods and technology, including materials and equipment, and for other purposes;

H.R. 4691, To provide for congressional review of actions to terminate or waive sanctions imposed with respect to Iran;

H.R. 1456, To limit the use of funds for the production of films using assets of the Department of State under certain circumstances, and for other purposes;

H.R. 4741, To require the development of a strategy to promote the use of secure telecommunications infrastructure worldwide, and for other purposes;

H.Res. 578, Calling for the immediate release of Eyvin Hernandez, a United States citizen and Los Angeles County public defender, who was wrongfully detained by the Venezuelan regime in March 2022.

H.R. __, To require the imposition of sanctions and other measures relating to the Russian oil price cap policy, and for other purposes.


***NOTE: Measures may be added. Check here for updates. ***