H.R. 1093, To direct the Secretary of State to submit to Congress a report on implementation of the advanced capabilities pillar of the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States;

H.R. 1159, To amend the Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020 to require periodic reviews and updated reports relating to the Department of State’s Taiwan Guidelines;

H.R. 1189, To require the development of a strategy to eliminate the availability to foreign adversaries of goods and technologies capable of supporting undersea cables, and for other purposes;

H.R. 1157, To provide for the authorization of appropriations for the Countering the People’s Republic of China Malign Influence Fund, and for other purposes;

H.R. 1107, To direct the Secretary of State to take certain actions with respect to the labeling of the People’s Republic of China as a developing country;

H.R. 1154, To combat forced organ harvesting and trafficking in persons for purposes of the removal of organs, and for other purposes;

H. Res. 90, Demanding that the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Communist Party of China immediately release Mark Swidan;

H.R. 1151, To hold the People’s Republic of China accountable for the violation of United States airspace and sovereignty with its high-altitude surveillance balloon;

H.R. 406, To provide for the treatment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as an international organization for purposes of the International Organizations Immunities Act, and for other purposes;

H.R. 1149, To establish certain reporting and other requirements relating to telecommunications equipment and services produced or provided by certain entities, and for other purposes; and

H.R. 1153, To provide a clarification of non-applicability for regulation and prohibition relating to sensitive personal data under International Emergency Economic Powers Act, and for other purposes.
