Chairman Rohrabacher on the hearing: “Next week the Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats Subcommittee will hold a hearing on one of the most serious and insidious challenges to building modern and effective states: corruption and kleptocratic governments. Whether it is in Russia, eastern Europe, Turkey or elsewhere, corruption by those in power undermines economic growth and sets back democratic reforms. It is in the US national interest to support the forces of reform and not to allow Western financial institutions or banks to facilitate these sorts of corrupt acts. The hearing will give Members an opportunity to hear some extraordinary testimony and learn what more US policy makers can do in the future.”

Opening Statements


Mr. Charles Davidson
Executive Director
Kleptocracy Initiative
Hudson Institute
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Ivan Vejvoda
Senior Vice President for Programs
The German Marshall Fund of the United States
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Sergei Kolesnikov
(Former Co-Founder of Petromed Holding)
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Hearing transcript (PDF)