Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) met with dozens of families who have been waiting years for the Congolese government to allow their legally adopted children to be united with their parents.  During the town-hall-style meeting, families had an opportunity to hear from members of Congress about their efforts to resolve this problem and bring their children home.

Last week, in an encouraging step, the Democratic Republic of the Congo government announced it will allow for the issuance of exit visas to roughly 150 American children — more than a third of all outstanding adoption cases in the DRC involving U.S. families.

NOTE: In January, Chairman Royce led a congressional delegation to the DRC to press the government to end the bureaucratic chokehold that has kept more than 400 American families from bringing their adopted children home.  Many cases had been needlessly stalled for years.  For more on Royce’s trip, click HERE
