McCaul Statement on the Death of Hamza bin Laden
Washington D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) released the following statement on President Trump’s confirmation that a high ranking al Qaeda member, Hamza bin Laden, was killed in a United States counterterrorism operation.
“The announcement by the White House that al Qaeda leader Hamza bin Laden, son of Osama bin Laden, was killed in a U.S. counterterrorism operation is a significant event in America’s unrelenting war on terrorism. While the U.S. has had success removing a significant number of senior al-Qaeda leaders from the battlefield since 9/11, Hamza’s rise amongst its ranks highlights the resilience of the organization and continued need for the U.S. and its partners to maintain pressure on terrorists wherever they are. America will always be on the frontline in the fight against terror, ensuring our homeland and our people are safe from harm.”