McCaul Reacts to Administration Waivers for Iran
WASHINGTON, DC – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul has released the following statement on reports that Iran’s nuclear program is advanced enough that re-entering the JCPOA would allow Iran to amass enough nuclear fuel for a bomb in significantly less than a year, a shorter period than when the original JCPOA was agreed to. This news comes as the administration issues new waivers for Iran’s nuclear program.
“I am deeply concerned these waivers show the administration is preparing to cut a nuclear deal with Iran that would be worse than the original JCPOA. We already know that Iran will enter any new deal closer to amassing enough fuel for a nuclear weapon than it was under the JCPOA.
“I urge the administration not to agree to another bad nuclear deal. And I remind them that if they reach any nuclear deal with Iran, it will be subject to review by Congress under the law – and my colleagues and I will closely scrutinize the terms. Another bad deal is worse for our national security than no deal.”