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Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” to discuss the Hunter Biden investigation, the White House’s $6 billion hostage deal with Iran, and the China threat. 

On the prosecution of Hunter Biden: 

“I have always questioned Weiss being in charge of this in the first place. He cut the sweetheart deal. He’s hardly impartial. And I think I would recommend to Merrick Garland — he appoint either somebody else or an outside counsel to give this investigation more credibility.

On his experience as a prosecutor and the Hunter Biden case:

“In my 1997 investigation [into] China and the Clinton campaign, they used dummy corporations, wire transfers. They don’t report the taxes to conceal, you know, the evidence. And that’s what Hunter Biden was doing here. You know, the fact that the judge threw the plea agreement out shows that an investigation is warranted.”

On the White House’s $6 billion hostage deal with Iran: 

“[The administration is] so naive. I got briefed verbally on some of this… They told me humanitarian purposes only. We all know money’s fungible. And then the President of Iran just came out and said I’m going to spend it however I want to, and of course he is. Guess where it’s going to go? It’s going to go into terror proxy operations, it’s going to go into building their nuclear — you know — their nuclear, not defense system, but offensive system for a nuclear war. And guess what’s happened since then? A third of the inspectors at the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, have been stripped by Iran out.”
