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Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul joined Shannon Bream on “Fox News Sunday” to discuss Democrats’ attempts to push a partisan anti-Israel agenda, security assistance for America’s partners, the situation unfolding in Haiti, and getting answers from the Biden administration for families of American servicemembers killed during the Biden administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. 




– Highlights from the interview –


On Democrats’ partisanship over Israel:

“You don’t talk about toppling a government in a democracy. I was with the Ambassador Herzog from Israel at our retreat when this news came in and it was very inappropriate. I think it was embarrassing.

“You know, there’s a way to talk about your differences, not to topple a government in a democratic country. And I think, Shannon, it’s indicative of how the split in the Democratic Party between the base, which is not in the traditional Israeli alliance anymore. And I think what you’re seeing is a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel faction in the Democratic Party.”

On the humanitarian situation in Gaza:

“Well, the aid has been more complicated because [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East], how can we have them deliver aid in Gaza? There’s no trust there.

“We have the World Food Program, Catholic Relief Services, many NGOs that can deliver the aid if given the right security. And I think we need to look at that model moving forward.”

On security assistance for America’s partners:

“Well, the Speaker indicated he’s committed to getting this done. You know, I’ve been working with the appropriate authorizers and appropriators. There are things we can do to make this bill better.

“For instance, the [Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act], which I passed out of my committee, allows us to attach to the Russian sovereign assets have been frozen to help pay for Russia’s war crimes. I think most Americans agree with that concept.

“Also, the loan program to provide for the direct government assistance to Ukraine. 

“Finally, a strategy. And we’ve got to put these ATACMS in, the long-range artillery to hit the bridge between Russia and Crimea.”

“I think we are moving through our normal appropriations process. Should be done by this Friday. After which the Speaker’s indicated he’s committed to putting this supplement on the Floor. That would be Israel. And we should attach Iran sanctions to that. That would be Ukraine and also Indo-Pacific.”

On funding the government:

“I’m hopeful. I do think we will. The [Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024] piece, a little dicey. Last resort, maybe a [continuing resolution].”

“We could continue homeland on that basis. However, we will get that done. And we will move to the supplemental.”

On addressing the crisis in Haiti:

“No, I think the administration’s failed policies have led to this, what is happening in Haiti, with no governance whatsoever, Shannon. The Prime Minister’s in Puerto Rico. Even Kenya won’t put their peacekeeping forces because it’s so chaotic.

“Now, what they’re asking me to do is release 50 million dollars of cash and weapons to go into Haiti with no governance. And the worst thing we can do is arm the very warlords that threaten the people of Haiti. So this guy named ‘Barbecue,’ I don’t want this to happen.”

“We have a history in this country of throwing weapons and guns into countries and they backfire. Until I have assurances that the money can be accounted for and go to the right purpose, I cannot in good conscience release that funding for the American taxpayer, but most importantly, the Haitian people themselves.”

On charges against Gold Star father Steve Nikoui and the Biden administration’s deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan:

“They are. I would recommend they’d be dropped. Look, this guy, Steve Nikoui, has been through so much. He lost his son. He’s had a suicide death in his family. All these families, these Gold Star families, are grieving. They feel that this president has never apologized to them or said, ‘I’m sorry that your son and one daughter was killed by a suicide bomber.’ We will hear from General Milley, the Chairman of Joint Chiefs. General McKenzie, the [United States Central Command] Commander, about the White House and State Department’s failures that brought about the conditions that led to the suicide bomber.”

“Well, the one thing I would like is: I want the [Department of Defense] to provide the documents that the sniper testified to. He said, I saw the suicide bomber. It identified the BOLO (‘Be on the lookout’). He sent the pictures over to the command center. They’ve yet to produce these a year later. And I’ll be talking about that a lot at the hearing.”
