Washington, D.C. – Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the House Foreign Affairs Committee will meet to consider the following measures:

H.R. 237, (Mr. Poe) FTO Passport Revocation Act of 2015, To authorize the revocation or denial of passports and passport cards to individuals affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations, and for other purposes.

H.R. 500, (Mr. Honda) Survivors of Human Trafficking Empowerment Act, To establish the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking to review Federal Government policy on human trafficking.

H.R. 907, (Ms. Ros-Lehtinen) United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015, To improve defense cooperation between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

H.R. 1493, (Mr. Engel) Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act, To protect and preserve international cultural property at risk due to political instability, armed conflict, or natural or other disasters, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1567, (Mr. Smith) Global Food Security Act of 2015, To authorize a comprehensive, strategic approach for United States foreign assistance to developing countries to reduce global poverty and hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, promote inclusive, sustainable agricultural-led economic growth, improve nutritional outcomes, especially for women and children, build resilience among vulnerable populations, and for other purposes.

H. Res. 50, (Mr. Levin) Calling for the release of Ukrainian fighter pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who was captured by Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine and has been held illegally in a Russian prison since July 2014.

H. Con. Res.­ 40, (Mr. Rangel) Encouraging reunions of divided Korean American families.

Markup: H.R. 237, H.R. 500, H.R. 907, H.R. 1493, H.R. 1567, H. Res. 50, H. Con. Res. 40

10 a.m. on Thursday, April 23

2172 Rayburn House Office Building

***See foreignaffairs.house.gov for updates.
***Coverage note:  All Foreign Affairs Committee proceedings are webcast live at foreignaffairs.house.gov/live-video-feed.
