Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) released the following statement tonight after President Obama’s address on the threats posed by ISIS:

“The threats posed by radical Islamist terrorists have evolved, but the administration’s policies have not.  Counterterrorism efforts have atrophied.  Containment has failed.  ISIS is now using safe havens in countries like Syria to plan and inspire massacres here in the United States.  

“If we’re going to prevent additional attacks, President Obama is going to have to lay out the broad, overarching strategy needed to win.  And in the House, we’re committed to providing the support needed.  That’s why next week we’ll vote to strengthen the Visa Waiver Program, and advance legislation through the Foreign Affairs Committee to combat terrorists’ use of social media, and get critical weapons to the Kurdish forces fighting ISIS on the ground in Syria.

“Ultimately, however, defeating ISIS will require determined presidential leadership.  President Obama must use his authority as Commander-in-Chief to lead this fight to destroy ISIS.  Unfortunately, tonight we heard repackaged half-measures.”
