Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) released the following statement ahead of President Obama’s visit to Argentina:

“I am disappointed to hear President Obama’s schedule does not include a stop at the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association or a meeting with survivors.  The July 18, 1994 attacks on AMIA and the Israeli embassy remain the deadliest acts of terror in Argentina’s history.  Eighty-five were killed and 300 wounded, yet no one has ever been put on trial for this awful attack.  

“Today’s horrific events in Brussels remind us that the world must stand united in confronting terrorism, and I hope President Obama will pledge to work with President Macri to finally bring those responsible for the AMIA and Israeli embassy attack to justice.”

NOTE: Earlier this month, Chairman Royce and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) wrote President Obama urging him to pay tribute to victims of terrorism in Argentina.