A Look Ahead—July 16-20
Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) announced the following upcoming committee event:
Wednesday, July 18
Subcommittee Hearing: Current Developments in Central Asia
3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 18, in 2172 Rayburn House Office Building
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Chairman
Invited witnesses include:
S. Frederick Starr, Ph.D.
Central Asia Caucasus Institute
Mr. Steve Swerdlow
Central Asia
Human Rights Watch
Ms. Spaska Gatzinska
Associate Director
National Endowment for Democracy
Chairman Rohrabacher on the hearing: “Central Asia is a region where the United States continues to have economic and security interests. This hearing will review recent political and diplomatic developments, while providing an opportunity to discuss the future of U.S. engagement in the region.”
***See www.foreignaffairs.house.gov for updates.
***Coverage note: All Foreign Affairs Committee proceedings are webcast live at www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/live-video-feed.