Washington D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) appeared on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with host Sandra Smith to discuss relevant news of the day and the latest on the second summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam. Key highlights below:

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On what to expect regarding the outcome of the second U.S.-North Korea summit:

“I think the Administration has been clear-eyed with a healthy amount of skepticism, lowering expectations … I don’t think they are going to walk away and North Korea is going to dismantle their entire nuclear program but I do think there will be signs of progress.

“They are looking at, “how do you define denuclearization”? I think we are going to look at, “can we inspect all of your [nuclear] sites”? And also the map moving forward. I think another thing that’s going to happen is you are going to see diplomatic offices potentially open up in both North Korea and the United States which would be a positive development in terms of communicating. I always think it’s good to have a conversation between world leaders.”

“It’s important, Sandra, to point out that they have played three prior administrations with lies and deceits. We have made concessions to the point now where they have intercontinental ballistic missiles with the capability to hit the United States of America so we have to engage because the stakes are just too high.”

