Washington D.C. – Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Republican Leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined Fox News’ “The Story” with Trace Gallagher and Fox Business’ “The Evening Edit” with Liz Macdonald to discuss the need for WHO Director General Tedros to resign, the Chinese Communist Party’s takeover in Hong Kong, and his recently released report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch Rep. McCaul on Fox News

On the need for Director General Tedros to resign:“I think we need a leader of the WHO who cares more about global health than appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, which is what Director-General Tedros does. He was their [preferred] candidate to lead the World Health Organization. When we came out with this report- the CCP detained doctors, arrested them, silenced them, [and forced labs to] destroy samples. And then critically, Trace, when human-to-human transmission was being reported by the WHO’s own expert, Tedros decided to decline to alert the world to what was becoming a global pandemic, his paramount issue and mission at the WHO. I don’t see in the private sector how any CEO could survive that. And so we believe that until Tedros goes and we can reform the WHO, that we’re going to put them on notice.”

On Tedros undermining the WHO mission to appease the CCP: What about putting Taiwan back as an observer within the World Health Organization? What the President is really doing here, if you look carefully, is he’s entering into another negotiation. He’s a very good dealmaker, he’s putting absolute pressure and leverage on the WHO to reform, and it cannot be reformed with Tedros and the Chinese Communist Party controlling it. When that changes, and they have one year to get their act together, I think we have a very different scenario where we could really strengthen the WHO after it is reformed so it works for the global health, not the CCP’s health or propaganda.”

Watch Rep. McCaul on Fox Business

On the CCP’s takeover of Hong Kong: “This is a major takeover by the Chinese Communist Party of Hong Kong in violation of the Sino-UK treaty. They’re basically ripping the treaty into shreds and taking over Hong Kong and silencing them, taking their freedom of speech away, taking their democracy away while the rest of the world sits back and watches. The bill we passed in the House last week, unanimously, was to sanction the Chinese Communist Party for its violation of the treaty and its takeover of Hong Kong. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is. China [is increasing] aggression against not only Hong Kong but against India, and also as you mention with Taiwan. Taiwan is on their roadmap and it will be done in a similar way I believe – that is their short-term strategy.”

On his interim report: “With respect to the World Health Organization, our report that came out recently really details the coverup and the lies by the Chinese Communist Party when it came to the doctors that were trying to warn, they arrested and detained them. They [forced labs to] destroy lab samples. And then the human-to-human transmission lie that the Communist Party kept propagating. General Director Tedros was their hand-picked candidate, that’s the head of the World Health Organization, when his own expert is telling him this is human-to-human, and he declines to issue a public health emergency to alert the world to the fact that we may be going from an epidemic to a pandemic, he failed in his number one mission. And I believe we need a leader of the WHO who cares more about global health than appeasing the Chinese Communist Party.” 
