Chairman Royce to Convene Syria Hearing – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

Press Release
“Assad’s war has killed nearly half a million innocent men, women and children and driven 14 million Syrians from their homes. The turmoil of this brutality including chemical weapons has allowed ISIS to capitalize. And the previous administration’s dithering only made things worse. Now, moving ahead, this administration must work with Congress to lay out clear policy goals.”
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Reps Royce, Mast to Admin: Re-open Iran Investigations

Press Release
Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) today wrote Secretary of State Tillerson and Attorney General Sessions encouraging them to reopen law enforcement cases wrongly hindered under the Obama administration that targeted individuals assisting Iran in its pursuit of its nuclear and missile programs.
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Chairman Royce: Never Again

Press Release
Chairman Royce: Never Again Thumbnail "We must always remember the victims of the Holocaust, particularly the millions of Jews murdered because of their faith. At a time when anti-Semitism is again rearing its ugly head, it’s important that we take these opportunities to say ‘never again.’”
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We are not going to allow Iran to mass produce ICBMs

Yesterday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) joined CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on the Situation Room to discuss Iran’s missile program and the administration’s Iran policy review.  Key excerpts and video are below. “What I think we will see, Wolf, at the end of the day is a circumstance in which you have the […]
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