Yoho, Royce, Engel, Sherman, Connolly and Chabot Introduce Bill to Bring Taiwan Back into the WHO

Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, has introduced H.R. 3320. This bipartisan bill is focused on improving the U.S. strategy for promoting Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO). Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; […]
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Chairman Royce Announces Hearing on U.S. Cyber Diplomacy

Press Release
Recent attacks affecting computers in more than 150 countries show that cyber threats know no borders. The United States must be a leader on cybersecurity in this increasingly digital world. We must ensure that our cyber strategies defend U.S. interests from cyberattacks and that we cooperate with like-minded countries to keep the internet open and secure.
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Chairman Royce Announces Hearing on Terrorist Threats, AUMF

Press Release
“While important progress has been made, terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS remain dangerous security threats to the United States and our allies. As part of the committee’s ongoing oversight related to these conflicts, we will discuss these grave threats and authorities that empower our men and women in uniform to carry out important missions that help keep us safe.”
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