PHOTO: Speaker Ryan Signs Chairman Royce’s Iran Sanctions Extension Act

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) signed Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce’s (R-CA) legislation to provide a long-term extension of the Iran Sanctions Act. Set to expire at the end of this year, the Iran Sanctions Act has been a critical tool to help protect America from Iran’s threatening behavior. That is why the House acted this month to pass H.R. 6297, a common-sense bill which extends sanctions on Iran’s weapons programs that were not lifted under the nuclear agreement and provides clear authority to “snap-back” many of the most powerful sanctions on Iran’s energy industry if the regime rushes toward a nuclear weapon. The bill now heads to President Obama’s desk to become law after passing both the House and the Senate with overwhelming support. Find out more about Chairman Royce’s bill HERE.