Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, will deliver the Weekly Republican Address on Saturday, August 29.  Royce, the author of legislation to prevent the implementation of the Iran deal, will discuss the president’s agreement with Iran and its negative consequences for our national security.

Chairman Royce said: “Stopping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is one of the biggest national security challenges we face.  Unfortunately, the President’s Iran agreement is fundamentally flawed, and makes this dire threat more likely – not less.  I look forward to sharing with Americans the troubling aspects of this agreement as the House and Senate get set for a vote in September.”

Rep. Royce became chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in January 2013.  Learn more by visiting the committee’s official website or by following the committee on Facebook and Twitter.

The Weekly Republican Address will be available nationwide starting Saturday, August 29 at 6:00 am ET on and
