Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) released the following statement in response to U.S. plans to purchase heavy water produced from Iran’s nuclear program:

“Once again, the Obama administration is handing Iran’s radical regime more cash.  U.S. purchase of this sensitive material goes well beyond what is required by the nuclear agreement.  Far from curbing its nuclear program, this encourages Iran to produce more heavy water to sell – with a stamp of U.S. approval – on the international market. 

“Iran is already the world’s leading exporter of terrorism and violence.  It should not be given more cash, and critical legitimacy, to further develop and market nuclear products.  This is another bad consequence of a bad nuclear deal.”

NOTE: Earlier this week, Chairman Royce wrote Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz seeking answers to key questions regarding the potential purchase of heavy water from Iran.  The letter is available for viewing and download HERE.
