Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran in Vienna:
“Iran’s Supreme Leader has made clear that Iran will not agree to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.  In fact, he seeks to expand it.   As Secretary Kerry has stated in the past, ‘no deal is better than a bad deal.’  In light of Secretary Kerry’s comments today in Vienna that ‘very real gaps’ remain between Iran and the international community, my hope is that the Administration will finally engage in robust discussions with Congress about preparing additional sanctions against Iran.”
Note:  Under Chairman Royce’s leadership, the Committee has focused on preventing a nuclear Iran.  Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the Committee will convene a hearing on Iran’s destabilizing role in the Middle East.  Chairman Royce and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) are the authors of H.R. 850, the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which increases pressure on the Iranian regime amid its continued attempt to acquire a nuclear weapons capability.  Last week, Royce and Engel led an effort that resulted in 344 House Members calling on President Obama to consult Congress on Iran nuclear negotiations.
