Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement in response to news of U.S. accusations that Iran is secretly breaching United Nations nuclear sanctions:

“The wheels seem to be coming off of the Administration’s Iran strategy.  There are now multiple reports that Iran has violated its commitment to freeze its nuclear program.  These include two separate reports that it was testing and operating centrifuges in violation of the interim agreement.  And today’s report is that Iran is trying to illicitly acquire components for its ‘plutonium bomb factory’ at Arak.  This regime is proving to be a determined cheater, showing no willingness to accept an effective verification regime.  Despite Iran’s deceit and intransigence, the Administration’s optimistic talk goes on.  We are on our second negotiations extension.  Iran is not addressing our fundamental verification and enrichment concerns.  It is well beyond time for more sanctions pressure.”

Note:  Chairman Royce, along with Ranking Member Engel (D-NY), is the author of H.R. 850, the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which passed the House 400-20 in July 31, 2013.
