‘Likely tip of the iceberg,’ says Royce

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued this statement following reports that a United Nation’s expert panel has concluded that Iran recently violated the U.N. arms embargo against it.  The U.N. panel concluded that a shipment of rockets and other weapons, concealed on the Klos C and seized by Israel in March, originated from Iran.  Negotiations surrounding Iran’s nuclear program, which would ultimately lift all U.N. sanctions on Iran – including the arms embargo – are set to resume later this week.

Chairman Royce said:  “This is more evidence of Iran’s destructive and destabilizing role in the region.  Iran was caught red-handed—this shipment is likely the tip of the iceberg. This report should be released for all to see. During testimony in front of the Committee in March, Secretary Kerry pledged to take action once all the facts are known—I urge him to do so now.  Tehran has shown no interest in playing a constructive role in the region.  Imagine an Iranian regime unrestrained by any international sanctions.”  

NOTE: In March, Chairman Royce asked Secretary Kerry during congressional testimony whether additional terrorism sanctions on Iran would result because of the intercepted weapons shipment.  Secretary Kerry testified that “we need to take some kind of action” after a “determination” surrounding the intercepted shipment was made.

