Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement in response to the agreement finalized tonight between Iran and the United States and other nations on Iran’s nuclear program:

“I have serious concerns that this agreement does not meet the standards necessary to protect the United States and our allies.  Instead of rolling back Iran’s program, Tehran would be able to keep the key elements of its nuclear weapons-making capability.  Yet we are the ones doing the dismantling – relieving Iran of the sanctions pressure built up over years.  This sanctions relief is more lifeline than ‘modest.’  Secretary Kerry should soon come before the Foreign Affairs Committee to address the many concerns with this agreement.”

Note:  Chairman Royce is the author of the bipartisan Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (H.R. 850), which overwhelmingly passed the House in July and is currently pending in the Senate.  The legislation would increase pressure on the Iranian regime amid its continued attempt to acquire a nuclear weapons capability.  The legislation would broaden economic sanctions, strengthen human rights sanctions, and increase oversight of the implementation and enforcement of existing sanctions.
