This isn’t just a bad deal – it’s a disastrous deal,” says Foreign Affairs Chair

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined his colleagues in the House of Representatives in rejecting President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.  Following House debate on three measures regarding the Iran deal, Chairman Royce issued the following statement:

“This isn’t just a bad deal – it’s a disastrous deal and it enables Iran to become far more dangerous. 

“The Obama Administration has traded permanent sanctions relief for temporary restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program. In just 15 years, Iran will have the internationally recognized capability to enrich uranium on an industrial scale. Allowing Iran—the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism—to possess this dangerous technology significantly undermines longstanding global nonproliferation efforts. 

“By providing Iran with significant sanctions relief and removing embargos on arms and ballistic missiles, this deal will only enhance Iran’s ability to promote instability in the Middle East and threaten the United States and our allies. 

“We have to judge this deal on the long-term national security interests of the United States.  Does it make the region and the world more safe, secure, and stable?  In my judgment, clearly it does not.” 
