The Obama administration was so desperate to get a nuclear deal with Iran that it “disbanded,” “derailed,” and “put on ice” key investigations and prosecutions of deadly Hezbollah terrorists, said witnesses at yesterday’s hearing “Attacking Hezbollah’s Financial Network: Policy Options.” Here’s the story:

  1. Prior to the Iran nuclear deal, the U.S. Government was seriously disrupting Hezbollah’s financial network.
    1.	Prior to the Iran nuclear deal, the U.S. Government was seriously disrupting Hezbollah’s financial network.

    Dr. Asher: “I’m proud to say that a seamless, collaborative web combining a small group of U.S. agencies was established and leveraged to combat these activities using every agency’s unique authorities.  It’s with the sort of whole-of-government approach that makes you proud about being a part of this government.  Its combination of law enforcement, financial, criminal, civil, and regulatory authorities led to a wide range of actions… providing a framework to deter, disrupt, [and] publicly illuminate the global illicit Hezbollah network.  I think it was probably the most successful operational effort taken against Hezbollah to date by the U.S. government, after many years of inaction.”

  2. To appease Iran in pursuit of the deal, the Obama administration stopped key investigations.
    To appease Iran in pursuit of the deal, the Obama administration stopped key investigations.

    Dr. Asher: “In the last years of the previous administration, for reasons that most definitely had to do with the Iran deal and concerns of interfering with it – which I thought were totally unfounded, as a former nuclear negotiator with Iran and North Korea – we lost much of the altitude that we had gained in our global effort. And many aspects – including key personnel who were reassigned, budgets that were slashed – many key elements of the investigations that were underway were undermined and it was a bit of a tragedy and a travesty.”

  3. And put prosecutions and designations on ice.
    Obama admin put prosecutions and designations on ice.

    Dr. Levitt: “I think there are so many tools here, and we were using some of them as you heard, and then we all but stopped.  And in order to have a real effect you have to have some continuity. There were prosecutions that were put on ice. There were designations that didn’t happen.”

  4. The Iran nuclear deal has been a boon for Hezbollah.
    The Iran nuclear deal has been a boon for Hezbollah.

    Chairman Royce: “The Iran nuclear agreement has made it possible for Iran to provide Hezbollah with a windfall. As one witness will testify today, Hezbollah’s activities since the nuclear agreement have ‘expanded in scope.’”

  5. Because of the nuclear deal, and the valuable real-world experience it is gaining in Syria, Hezbollah is a growing threat to Israel and the U.S.
    5.	Because of the nuclear deal, and the valuable real-world experience it is gaining in Syria, Hezbollah is a growing threat to Israel and the U.S.

    Dr. Karlin: “Now to be sure, Hezbollah has benefited from its involvement in the Syrian conflict. Ten years ago I was most worried about Hezbollah’s weapons. Now I’m more worried about the experience Hezbollah has gained. Before it was a capable military force, good at a limited number of missions. Its portfolio has expanded dramatically. It has become a hardened force, adept at facilitating Iranian power projection around the Middle East. It has learned to command and control a complicated conflict in collaboration with numerous actors. It has acquired substantial experience in diverse environments using increasingly sophisticated weapons. And as the operating space in Syria becomes crowded, and the U.S. military deepens its direct involvement there, we could see inadvertent or deliberate interactions with Hezbollah.”

  6. To keep America safe, it’s time to build on Chairman Royce’s 2015 legislation targeting Hezbollah.
    Chairman Royce: “Part II of this legislation is coming.”