Washington, D.C. – Last night, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) appeared on FOX News’s On the Record with Greta Van Susteren to respond to the Obama administration’s letter to Iran suggesting it could allow the Iranian regime to sidestep new Visa Waiver Program reforms passed in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.  Video and key excerpts included below:

On the need for the Obama administration to confront Iran’s aggression:

“In the last few weeks we have seen Iran, in violation of the U.N. sanctions, launch another ballistic missile test.  We have seen them also take another American hostage.  We have also just learned about how they hacked into a dam outside of New York City.  Now you have a situation where we are trying to placate the Iranian regime. This administration has got to learn to push back on Iran.”

On whether the president has the authority to allow Iran to bypass new Visa Waiver Program reforms:

“He does not have the authority to do it… The president cannot overturn the law, and neither can the secretary of state.”
