At an Israel Project forum yesterday, Chairman Ed Royce responded to Iran’s latest ballistic missile launch – a violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 – and urged the administration to put the regime on notice that these types of dangerous and provocative acts will not be ignored, a step the White House took later that afternoon.  Video and key excerpts from the forum are below.

We have to put Iran on notice that we’re serious about stopping its ballistic missile program:

“The administration should have Treasury warn Iran that they’re going to bar global banks from conducting dollar transactions with their Iranian counterparts in the case of another test. …This is an easy bit of leverage and my suggestion is, put them on notice now…and be serious about not having further tests.”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is a threat to regional stability and should be sanctioned:

“I’ve already mentioned Yemen, but the conduct in Bahrain, the low-level insurgency that they’re trying to push among the Houthis in Saudi Arabia, the fact that today agents go across Azerbaijan and talk to people in the villages and say, ‘Why do you support a secular government? You’re Shia. You should be working to overthrow your regime.’ I mean, this is the conduct of the IRGC. And I think there’d be a willingness for businesses to understand that for the fronts for the IRGC and the IRGC itself, the know-your-customer law, if it’s applied, would shut off business with the biggest part of the economy of Iran.”

We should make Iran’s human rights abuses more widely known:

“We need to rebuild the consensus that the regime is a bad actor. And so that means doing more to highlight what’s going on internally in Iran, which is a nightmare – a human rights nightmare. …The number of executions in Iran of the Baha’i and other religious minorities is really unconscionable. …And it’s not as though the Ayatollah and his supporters don’t have a history of liquidation of massive numbers of human beings – students and others – going back to 1979. If you look at those who perished in [Evin] prison and others across Iran, this should be, among the international community, a foremost issue in terms of human rights.”