“No sanctions relief until Iran pays up,” says Foreign Affairs Chair

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, applauded House passage of H.R. 3457, the Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act.  The legislation, introduced by Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-PA), prohibits the President from providing Iran with sanctions relief until he certifies to Congress that Iran has paid compensation to American victims of its terrorism who have successfully obtained judgments in U.S. courts.

On the legislation’s passage, Chairman Royce said:  “The Iranian regime has actively funded terrorist groups and operations that have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Americans.  While U.S. courts have held Iran liable for these attacks, requiring Iran to compensate American victims, these judgments remain unpaid.

“The Obama Administration didn’t get compensation for the families of those whose lives were taken by Iranian terrorism in negotiations.  U.S. officials admitted they didn’t even try.  Once sanctions are lifted, Iran will hit a jackpot in the billions.  And American victims will still be out in the cold.  That’s wrong.  This legislation addresses this injustice.  There should be no sanctions relief until Iran pays up what it owes the families of these Americans.”

NOTE: Video of Chairman Royce’s speech on the House floor is available HERE.
