Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and author of tough North Korea sanctions legislation, issued this statement on the Obama Administration’s imposition of new sanctions against North Korea after the FBI determined that the country was responsible for the recent cyberattack against Sony Pictures:

“It’s good to see the Administration challenging North Korea’s latest aggression – cyberattacks that can do grave damage.  But many of the North Koreans blacklisted today have already been targeted by U.S. sanctions.  We need to go further to sanction those financial institutions in Asia and beyond that are supporting the brutal and dangerous North Korean regime, as was done in 2005.  My comprehensive legislation that the House passed last year would give the Administration the tools to do just that.”

Note:  Royce, who has visited North Korea, is the author of H.R. 1771, the North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act.  The House of Representatives passed the bipartisan H.R. 1771 in July.  The legislation strengthens existing sanctions against North Korea by prohibiting North Korea’s access to critical resources — such as hard currency and other goods — that keeps the Kim regime in power.  Importantly, the legislation holds North Korean officials accountable for gross human rights abuses, which were highlighted in the recent United Nations Commission of Inquiry.  In strengthening sanctions against North Korea, the legislation does not prohibit humanitarian aid.
