Chairman Royce on ABC “This Week:” ISIS Must be Defeated

Press Release
Washington, D.C. – This morning, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) discussed EgyptAir Flight 804 on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulous.” Below are video and a few key excerpts. On what brought down EgyptAir Flight 804:“In my view, [terrorism is] highly likely because of the amount of effort that ISIS and al […]
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White House Won’t Say if it Intentionally Misled Congress & American People on GITMO Transfers

At a March Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, President Obama’s Special Envoys for Guantanamo Closure denied that the administration knowingly released detainees to countries that couldn’t stop them from returning to the terrorist battlefield. But after a thorough review of classified notices provided to Congress, it’s clear that isn’t true. So did the administration intentionally mislead […]
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Improving Global Food Security

The brutality of the Assad regime and ISIS has driven millions of Syrian and Iraqi men, women, and children from their homes.  Starvation is being used as a weapon of war, with deadly impact. It is in both the humanitarian and national security interests of the United States to help improve conditions for refugees on […]
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Chairman Royce and French, EU Ambassadors Focus on Combatting Radical Islamist Extremism

Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) hosted a bipartisan meeting with His Excellency Gerard Araud, French Ambassador to the United States, and His Excellency David O’Sullivan, European Union Ambassador to the United States, to discuss combatting radical Islamist extremism. Following the meeting, Chairman Royce issued this statement:  “ISIS is […]
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