Chairman Royce Statement on Death of Fidel Castro

Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement on the death of Fidel Castro: “For more than half a century, the Cuban people have suffered under the brutal dictatorship of the Castro clan.  No one should rule anywhere near as long as Fidel Castro did.  His legacy […]
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Engel & Royce Syria Sanctions Bill Passes House

Press Release
Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), the Committee’s Chairman, today welcomed the unanimous passage in the House of Representatives of their comprehensive legislation to impose new sanctions on supporters of Syria’s Assad Regime, encourage a negotiated end to the crisis, and kick off investigations into the eventual prosecutions of war criminals.
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House to Vote to Extend Iran Sanctions Act

The Iran Sanctions Act is central to protecting America from Iran’s threatening behavior. For more than 20 years, the Iran Sanctions Act has supported a framework of sanctions aimed at Iran’s illicit weapons programs and ballistic missiles development.
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Chairman Royce: “It’s time Taiwan be allowed to obtain INTERPOL observer status”

Press Release
It’s time Taiwan be allowed to obtain INTERPOL observer status. The continued exclusion of Taiwan – a strong friend and critical partner of the United States – from this important organization is troubling. Global security is needlessly put at risk due to Taiwan’s inability to quickly share and receive the latest information about international crime. Everyone’s security will be improved by Taiwan’s participation in INTERPOL.
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Chairman Royce Writes Iraqi Prime Minister as Battle to Liberate Mosul From ISIS Begins

Press Release
Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) today wrote Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to urge the government of Iraq to dramatically escalate planning for humanitarian relief to meet the needs of those who will be forced from their homes in the fight to liberate Mosul from ISIS, and express concern about the role of Shia paramilitary forces in the battle for Mosul and its aftermath.
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To Keep America Safe, U.S. Sanctions Programs Must be Bolstered

Syria is in shambles. Over the past five years, hundreds of thousands have been murdered by the Assad regime. Scores of innocent men, women and children have been systematically tortured, gassed, and bombed. Facing Assad’s war machine in one direction and ISIS in another, more than 14 million Syrians have fled their homes.
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