Reps. Meeks, Cook, Royce, Engel Introduce Resolution Supporting the United Kingdom

Press Release
Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) joined Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats Subcommittee Ranking Member Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Committee Vice Chairman Paul Cook (R-CA) in introducing H.Res. 355 to condemn the Manchester terror attack and reaffirm America’s unwavering support for the people of the United Kingdom.
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House Votes to Turn Tables on Human Traffickers

Press Release
Today, the House of Representatives passed the Targeted Rewards for the Global Eradication of Human Trafficking (TARGET) Act (H.R. 1625), which was introduced by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL). The bipartisan TARGET Act turns the tables on human traffickers by allowing the State Department to use cash rewards to help bring them to justice.
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Chairman Royce: Taiwan’s Exclusion from World Health Assembly Hurts Global Health

Press Release
"Taiwan’s exclusion from this year’s World Health Assembly only hurts global health. Having responded to global health challenges with financial and technical assistance, Taiwan has much to contribute to international efforts to improve public health. That’s why it has been invited to the World Health Assembly for the past eight years. There should have been no question about its participation in this year’s event. World health should not be held hostage by Beijing."
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Chairman Royce Statement on Iranian Elections

Press Release
“Today the Ayatollah is offering a choice between his handpicked candidates: a hardliner and a hard hardliner. Regardless of who is elected, Tehran will continue to oppress its people and advance terror and ballistic missile programs that threaten the world. Iranians deserve better.”
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Chairman Royce Statement on Venezuela Sanctions

Press Release
President Maduro’s corrupt authoritarianism is pushing Venezuela to the brink of total meltdown. Shortages of basic food and medicine are worsening, and infant deaths are soaring. Violent regime crackdowns on political opposition are ongoing. I welcome the administration’s move to sanction those helping Maduro squash all dissent, and again urge regional leaders to unite – both in words and in action – to address this crisis.
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