Royce Statement on State Reauthorization Legislation
Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement announcing that the committee will postpone today’s scheduled markup of H.R. 5592:
“It’s very disappointing that a few members – in both parties – have decided to politicize and undermine a good, bipartisan bill that supports our diplomats and strengthens our embassy security. American diplomats serve in the most dangerous parts of the world, working to prevent armed conflict, combat terrorism, empower women and open new markets for our exports. We owe them the tools to safely and effectively carry out their missions.
“This committee has accomplished a lot over the last several years – except a State Department authorization bill. I want to fix this. Authorizing is one of our fundamental responsibilities that should be done. But this process isn’t going to be used as a platform to pick political fights that do nothing to help the State Department and our national security.”