Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Republican Conference selected U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) to continue serving as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  Royce has served on the Committee since entering the House of Representatives in 1993, serving as Chairman since 2013.
Chairman Royce said:  “I am honored that my colleagues have selected me to continue serving as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the 114th Congress.  Over the last two years, our nation has faced continuous, serious threats from across the globe, including ISIL, Russia and North Korea.  Unfortunately, many of these threats have been met with a confused and often passive Obama Administration foreign policy.  From combating the long-term threat posed by ISIL and other terrorists, to countering the influence of false news and destructive ideas, to conducting rigorous oversight of this Administration, the Committee has been working diligently to make our nation more secure and prosperous.  But much work remains.  The Committee will continue its efforts to stop Iran’s march toward nuclear weapons, which threatens to undermine fundamentally the security of us and our critical allies.  The Committee will also continue to promote U.S. economic engagement worldwide, particularly in Asia, where economies are continually growing.  I look forward to working with all members of the Committee to meet the many challenges and seize the many opportunities in front of our great nation.”
