Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after a meeting with “Bazi,” a young Yezidi woman who escaped from an ISIS fighter she had been sold to as a sex slave:

“’Bazi’ shared with the Committee the harrowing details of her capture, enslavement, and escape from ISIS.  Her story puts a human face on the campaign of terror and brutal violence ISIS has unleashed against minority communities, the Yezidis in particular.  It is a campaign that destroys communities through rape, mass murder, sexual enslavement, and torture.

“Today, ‘Bazi’ looked us in the face and asked us why we have not done more to protect people like her.  Those fighting on the front lines must have the weapons and tools desperately needed to defeat ISIS.  This means better arming the Kurds in Iraq and the opposition groups in Syria.  It means supporting those who defend their homes and their families.  And it means carrying out air raids on the convoys carrying fuel, food, and other materials from Iraq to ISIS in Syria.  Ranking Member Engel and I have also called for greater protections for civilians.  Options for U.S. assistance range from additional material support for friendly forces to creating ‘safe zones.’

“We cannot allow ‘Bazi’s’ suffering to be endured by thousands more.”
