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Washington D.C. – Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement on reports that Chinese Communist Party agents were behind a massive disinformation campaign aimed at sowing panic in America amid the coroanvirus outbreak. 

“It was already clear that the Chinese Communist Party coverup contributed to the spread of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China to the rest of the world—taking lives and devastating the global economy. Now, we are reading reports the CCP is carrying out a global disinformation campaign to sow chaos and division, including right here in the United States. Enough is enough: We cannot let the CPP exploit a crisis it enabled the spread of.

“This is why I have been investigating their actions that led to a pandemic and call on my colleagues in the House and Senate to get to the bottom of this with hearings and oversight, including its manipulation of key international organizations and its weaponization of information. The CCP’s reprehensible treatment of Uighur’s in Xinjiang, their arrest of pro-democracy leaders in Hong Kong, and now their handling of the coronavirus have exposed the true nature of this morally bankrupt totalitarian regime and serves as a wakeup call for the world.”
