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Washington, D.C. — House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul issued a statement on the Biden administration’s continued blind eye toward Nicaragua’s pattern of oppression. 

“The tyranny in Nicaragua hasn’t elicited a peep from this administration. President Biden must wake up and finally sanction Ortega cronies like Chocolatito and Bayardo Arce. When the confirmed U.S. ambassador is being denied entry, Biden must take retaliatory action here at home, and the Department of Justice should launch investigations into Ortega as the U.S. has done for Nicolas Maduro. I strongly urge President Biden to put Nicaragua back onto the radar and more strictly enforce the RENACER Act and newly amended E.O. 13851.”


  • In Nicaragua, civic space has closed, and society teeters toward collapse. Four hundred and fifty thousand have fled since 2018. Carrying the flag – azul y blanco – is now illegal.
  • At least 236 political prisoners remain trapped behind bars, suffering in horrific conditions, priests and bishops among them.
  • Daniel Ortega has opened a consulate in Crimea and openly supports Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.
  • Ranking Member McCaul is proud to represent a large and vibrant Nicaraguan American community in his district and is greatly disturbed by the recent series of events.
