McCaul Statement on Senate Hold on Governor Raimondo’s Confirmation
Washington, DC – Two days after House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul led over 20 House Members to call for the Senate to place a hold on the confirmation of Governor Raimondo to serve as the Commerce Secretary until the Biden Administration clarifies whether they will keep Huawei on the Department’s Entity List, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced he would place the hold. A statement from Lead Republican McCaul is below.
“I am pleased Senator Cruz agreed with myself and over 20 other House Republicans and has placed a hold on Governor Raimondo’s confirmation until the Biden Administration commits to keeping Huawei on the Entity List. As I have repeatedly expressed, Huawei is not a normal telecommunications company – it is an arm of the CCP’s military that poses a significant threat to U.S. national security and supports the CCP’s genocide in Xinjiang. The Biden Administration must take this seriously. No more delays or promises to ‘circle back.’ The American people and our allies deserve a clear and straightforward answer – will President Biden commit to keeping Huawei on the Entity List and clarify its export control policies on CCP-controlled or influenced entities.”